More historic China positive drug tests cast cloud over Paris swimming_smich
More historic China positive drug tests cast cloud over Paris smichswimming
July 31, 2024 at 11:25 JST
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A WADA logo is seen at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Symposium in Lausanne, Switzerland, March 12, 2024. (REUTERS)
PARIS--China was plunged backed into the doping spotlight on Tuesday after the New York Times reported that two swimmers in 2022 had tested positive for a banned steroid but had their provisional suspensions lifted when the results were blamed on contaminated food.
The latest revelations during the Paris Olympics will increase already high tension between the World Anti-Doping Agency and the U.S. anti-doping body over the handling of a case involving 23 Chinese swimmers, who tested positive for trimetazidine (TMZ) weeks before the Tokyo Games.
Those positives were also blamed on contamination, with a Chinese investigation determining that the swimmers were inadvertently exposed to the drug after traces of TMZ, a medication that increases blood flow to the heart, were found in the kitchen of the hotel they were staying in.
A probe by the Chinese anti-doping agency (CHINADA) into the two new positives reported in the New York Times could not determine how the swimmers ingested the steroid but concluded it most likely happened when they ate hamburgers made with tainted beef at a restaurant in Beijing.
One of the two swimmers according to the Times report is competing at the Paris Olympics.
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency chief Travis Tygart said China had “swept this positive test for a hard-core steroid under the rug”.
“With it coming on the heels of WADA also allowing China to bury 23 positive tests of swimmers, clean athletes’ hopes and dreams have been stolen by these failures,” added Tygart.
“A mountain of evidence shows that the system has failed, WADA has accepted China can play by its own set of rules, and the public is losing faith in the Olympic values.
“It must change.”
In a statement WADA said that on notification of the positive tests the athletes were immediately provisionally suspended until late 2023 when the investigation concluded.
WADA added that along with the two swimmers, a BMX athlete and a shooter, who are not on the China team in Paris, tested positive for the same banned substance, metandienone, in late 2022 and early 2023, in different locations at different times.
After reviewing the cases WADA concluded there was no evidence to challenge contaminated meat as the source of the positive tests and decided not to appeal to sport’s highest court CAS.
World Aquatics, the International Shooting Sport Federation and cycling’s governing body the UCI, also determined there were no grounds to appeal the decision.
“Today’s report by the New York Times alleging that World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and World Aquatics covered up more Chinese positive doping tests is another devastating blow to the credibility to both organizations and to clean sport,” said Global Athlete, a sport advocacy group in a statement.
With a spike in the number of contamination cases, WADA said it has this year initiated an investigation to assess the circumstances, scale and risk of the problem.
“Based on the number of cases, clearly there is an issue of contamination in several countries around the world,” said WADA.
“WADA is generally concerned about the number of cases that are being closed without sanction when it is not possible to challenge the contamination theory successfully before CAS.
“Apart from China, in particular, there have been several of these cases in the United States in the past few months alone, where highly intricate contamination scenarios were accepted.”
American sprinter Erriyon Knighton, the 200 meters world championship silver medalist, tested positive for the banned metabolite trenbolone in March in an out-of-competition drug test.
An independent arbitrator ruled in June that the positive test was more likely than not caused by consuming meat contaminated with trenbolone, a known livestock growth promoter used legally in beef cattle produced in and exported to the United States.
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